At Comprehensive Care Services Ltd we offer a range of practical and personal services to all people who are in need of them. We offer support and assistance to all our clients while allowing them to enjoy the benefits in the comfort of their homes as long as it is possible. We pride ourselves in assisting while helping the client maintain their independence. We value the views, needs and well being of our clients.
Comprehensive Care Services
Comprehensive Care Services is a Ltd company, registered in England & Wales. We offer a range of personal and practical care services to adults, young adults and children – The whole population 0-18years (children), (between 18-65 years of age) and older people (over 65 years of age).
We provide these services to service users with dementia, those who are ill, recovering from illness or who are terminally ill, rehabilitation for individuals with Acquired brain injury (ABI), Recovery, Behaviour modification for Young people, enhancing communication for individuals who are non-verbal and supporting individuals with profound multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).
Our Aims and Objectives
Comprehensive Care Services Ltd provides support to individuals living in their own homes to assist and improve the quality of their lives whilst maintaining their independence and personal choice. Our aim is to make every day a good day for every one of our clients. We will achieve this by providing the best care to every client every day. We will encourage all clients and their families to live as independently as possible. Our ethos is empowerment, inclusion and that person-centred care is communicated in everything we do.